Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hi, Leland here again. I'm writing this post to let everyone know Tavias address so you can write her. It is, Sister Tavia Whitney Wilcox Mississippi Jackson Mission 681Town center BLVD Ste C Rig land,Ms 39157-4903. Their it is so everyone write her she would love to here from all of u.Also please send Ideas for Reunion. I would like this to be one to never forget. I do like the Idea of a shooting contest skeet and 22s and pistols. Terence has 2 new pistols and would love too show us up. Till we talk again this is Leland signing off.


2Bis2DO said...

Hi Leland, If we could get everyone to read this blog and post there comments that would be good. Lets work on that and have everyone write down at least one idea. My idea was the skeet shoot so you count that one as one for me. But i will try to think of other things too.

Josh said...

we could do water volley ball that could be way fun!!!!