Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Barfus Sundae Scoop!

This has been quiet the week. My mom had a surprise for sister is in town...for her best friends wedding...we are spending all day Sunday together. I cant believe how much I missed her. She said she has only been in South Carolina for about three months now. To me it seems like a long time, like a year or so but nope it was only about three months. Crazy how time fly's. I did tell Reena that I expected a letter every month..she has exceeded my expectation on the letter front...I am the one that is lacking in that department she sends a letter about every week i am not as good I will have to work on that.
Nothing new with Josh and I...just the same old things. Oh I did play basketball the other day with some friends from my arms were sore from shooting the ball...I made a three pointer once..out of luck i assure you... yes it only happened once. I am not good at it but it was fun to play. that's all until next Sunday maybe my life will be more exciting in one weeks time.


The Wilcox Family! said...

i used to play basketball until i got old and fat, now i just watch and dream of yesterday. Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away. Libeliband

2Bis2DO said...

I like watching Morgan play basketball. She is a real go getter but first we have to get through soccer.
come on over cheli and we will play horse.

Reena Bostock said...

I'll play basketball with you if you would come and visit me once in awhile. I miss you!